Successful B2B Marketing Video Strategy

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A lot of video marketing conversations revolve around B2C topics, but in this week's Creator's Tip, we discuss B2B, or Business to Business, marketing, and give you three tips on how to do it right.

Making B2B Marketing Videos That Engage An Audience

Did you know that 92% of B2B customers watch online video? Or that 43% of that demographic use online video to research services or products for their own business? Oh, and it may interest you to know that 54% of that research is done on YouTube. So, how to do you make your B2B videos stand out?

1: Make Your B2B Marketing Video Stand Out From the Crowd

According to Google. around two-thirds of B2B companies will research multiple brands while researching a product or service. The reputation of the brand they are researching very much counts towards a purchasing decision, and one of the most effective ways of building up your own brand's reputation is by creating high quality, professional, well-made online video. 76% of B2B marketers use video content marketing as part of their digital strategy, so you'll need to create content that stands out from the crowd.
At the very least, you should have a video that tells the business consumer the story of your company, or your main product or service. This will lend credibility to you brand, and give you the potential to start building up that relationship with your future customers. Here's a great example from GE that introduces the brand in a very relate way:

2: Optimize Your Videos so Potential Customers Can Find Them

Your potential clients know what they want, but they may not know that your company produces it. When optimizing for search, made sure you are using industry keywords to be found. You may be the biggest name in your field, but if the person searching for you has never heard of your brand, and that's the only keyword you have optimized for, then they are not going to find you very easily.
Don't miss out on potential sales because you didn't take the time to understand what terms and phrases your potential customer base is searching for. Think about what advice or answers people are looking for, and create and optimize content around that.

3: End Your B2B Video With a Very Strong Call to Action

Marketing videos generally have a point to them, one of which is to generate leads. So, make sure you guide the potential customer into taking the action you want to by adding an annotation to your video with a link to your website. This could be a link to a newsletter sign-up, or to a product landing page, or another URL that will trigger some kind of action.

 Are you Ready to start for web video marketing? Get in touch with us via our Contacts. 
About the Author: Carla Marshall is the Managing Editor of ReelSEO, and the Community Manager for the ReelSEO YouTube Channel.

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