Online Video Views Jump 43% in One Year, Internet TV by 388% [Report]
The downside is that we're not watching videos anywhere near to completion, especially on smartphones and tablets. In its biannual look at the state of the U.S. digital video space, Adobe's "U.S. Digital Video Benchmark Report" indicated that videos viewed via a desktop or laptop were 3x more likely to watch a video at least three-quarters of the way through than those viewed on mobile devices.
Highlights of Adobe's Digital Video Benchmark Report Q2 2014
- Video views via OTT devices and gaming consoles have increased by 194% in the last year.
- Smartphones and tablets account for 26% of all online video viewing.
- Videos watched to 25% completion on a laptop or desktop are 3x more likely to reach 75%
- Mobile devices were responsible for 26.6% of videos starts, up from 18.6% in 2013.
Impressive Growth in Online Video Views (Free-to-access)
are reporting a new record for the number of total online video starts
for Q2 2014. The previous record has been smashed and now stands at 38.2 billion, an increase of 43% compared to the same time-period in 2013.
down further into the study reveals more impressive metrics for the
industry. For instance, the number of total online video starts (which
Adobe clarifies as "any browser-based, unauthenticated video start"),
saw an increase in growth of 47.3% year-on-year, which Adobe calculates
as a 9.4% acceleration in growth over the quarter.
Online video is
becoming the norm for accessing news, sport, entertainment, resources,
and advice, and any brands that fail to set a strategy for producing
authentic and engaging video content will find themselves falling far
behind their competitors.
Massive Growth in Online TV Views (Authentication Required)
the big jump? The Winter Olympics, March Madness, and the World Cup
definitely contributed to the amount of streaming TV that was consumed
in Q2, but sporting events aside, the shift from bedroom to living room
represents the ubiquity, and accessibility of the devices used by all
family members these days.
OTT devices and gaming consoles like
the PS4, and Xbox really are becoming the vehicle of choice for watching
online TV. Between them, consoles and OTT boxes saw a market share
growth of a staggering 194% compared to 2013. By comparison,
desktop-based viewing dropped by a significant 41%.
Smartphones Vs Tablets: The Smaller Screen is Winning
usage accounted for 13.6% of video starts, while tablets accounted for
slightly less at 13%. Apple's iOS accounted for more than half of all
online TV views on mobile devices.
Brands need to ensure that their websites are built to be responsive on mobile devices, and they also need to ensure that any video content hosted on their own site is mobile-friendly.
Video consumption via smartphones and tablets is only going to
increase, and brands and their developers need to keep on top of new
video technologies so they can be sure that the content they publish
performs to its maximum capability on all platforms.
Video Ad Consumption Up By 26% on 2013
the opportunity for more ad engagement around sports content is huge,
but with the right type of tracking and measurement via programmatic
software, brands can identify other content where the viewer may be more
responsive to the products or services being advertised.
Report: Adobe PDF
Are you Ready to start for web video marketing? Get in touch with us via our Contacts.
About the Author: Carla Marshall is the Managing Editor of ReelSEO, and the Community Manager for the ReelSEO YouTube Channel.
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